(I wonder how far away each of these '36' detected, extraterrestrial civilizations... is situated, from Earth... in the context, of this blog's introduction)
"Assuredly, the scope of the cosmos/universe is divinely intended... by God the Father, to remind humans... how Earth is metaphorically like the 'Garden of Eden'... to them, in relation to places in such... beyond the view, of our sun (one of 100 billion to 400 billion stars, in our Milky Way galaxy)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:10 PM (12/5/22):
[just as in the Garden of Eden, 'God the Father' instructed Adam and Eve... not to eat 'the forbidden fruit' from the Tree of Knowledge (as conditions for maintaining occupancy)... perhaps such could be likened to him saying (in the context of the cosmos), 'stay within sight, of the sun'...]
NOTE #1:
The closest star to Earth, is Proxima Centauri... which is about 4.24 lightyears, away...
...there's something about being '58+' lightyears away from Earth, that may be of significance... in the context, of the above (and how one can barely see the shining of our sun, at that distance)

 NOTE #2:
There are about 340.46 trillion (340,460,000,000,000) miles... in 58 lightyears... That pales in comparison, to the distance... to the nearest, large galaxy... which is Andromeda, situated about 2,530,000 lightyears away...
NOTE #3:
The above, hypothetical advice from 'God the Father'... seems logical, given that he may not want humans to be confused by other stars in the cosmos (if there was a different one out there, that was similar... to our own)
NOTE #4:
When Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, they were forced to abandon their 'enabled ignorance'... If humans were to potentially venture beyond the 58-lightyear threshold, they may learn about a 'darkness' which only emerges... when sufficiently apart, from our sun (the source of 'life, on Earth')
NOTE #5:
A person told me, in the year 2011... that the Holy Spirit, could be likened... to our sun, regarding the source of radiance and comfort... such provides...
"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things... that you have not known..." - Jeremiah 33:3 (according to 'God the Father')
NOTE #6:

7:23 AM (12/6/22): “Maybe ‘God the Father’ was thinking to himself, ‘I must put certain parameters (‘voids of space’) in place, as a source of protection… for the humans… to deter, the ‘warring of worlds (planets)’…” – Michael Izuchukwu

7:28 AM (12/6/22):

Demilitarized zone - Wikipedia (intraspecies conflicts may be a subset, of that which transpires... when such are interspecies-based... Humans are the 'extraterrestrial species' of Homo Sapiens, collectively)





4:19 PM (2/1/22): "1 galaxy, of at least 125,000,000,000 (125 billion) in the 'observable universe'... There 'are' extraterrestrials out there, in the context of statistical odds..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

4:22 PM (2/1/22): "Estimates are that there are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the 'greater extent' of the universe (16 times as many)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

4:28 PM (2/1/22): There are 587,000,000,000,000,000 (587 quadrillion) miles in the diameter of our Milky Way galaxy (100,000 lightyears), given that there are about ‘5.87’ trillion miles… in a lightyear... The distance between galaxies is approximately 5.87 quintillion miles (10 times greater than our galaxy's diameter, on average)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

4:14 AM (2/2/22): How many galaxies are there? (msn.com)


11:53 PM (5/1722): "Imagine arriving on a planet, of an extraterrestrial civilization... aside from that, of human beings (given in the eyes of E.T., we are 'E.T'.), and hearing the music at 1:02:55 (in the following video)... playing, from their cities... as you walk away from the ship, that you arrived in... What would be your reaction...?" - Michael Izuchukwu 

you're an astronaut lost in space discovering things that humanity will never be able to (playlist) - YouTube

12:20 AM (5/17/22): "The observable universe is approximately 93 billion lightyears in diameter, and there are about 5.87 trillion miles... in just '1' lightyear... It is a statistical certainty that somewhere out there, there is a place that could relate to the aforementioned scenario... if not this galaxy (the Milky Way), another one... given there are estimated to be at least 2,000,000,000,000 (2 trillion) of them, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

12:25 AM (5/17/22): "According to this article, NASA has found just '1' exoplanet (planet beyond our solar system) in a different galaxy (Messier 51)... quite recently..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

NASA Shares First Evidence of Planet Outside Our Galaxy (voanews.com)


12:49 AM (5/18/22):

MAKING A LIVING (2pods85.blogspot.com)

Was the Moon Landing faked? | Neil deGrasse Tyson | Big Questions - YouTube

4:40 AM (5/18/22): NASA has found more than 5,000 planets outside of our solar system - CBS News 


7:30 AM (5/25/22): "An interesting video, on Dr. Frank Drake... a SETI astronomer... who coined the 'Drake Equation,' which is utilized to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations... which may be in our Milky Way galaxy..." - Michael Izuchukwu

A Celebration of Frank Drake - YouTube

7:43 AM (5/25/22): "Of the 195 countries on Earth, at least 6,500 languages are spoken... Thus, if one ventures to certain countries... that are foreign to oneself... body language may be an essential means of self-expression... A theory of mine, is that some languages are more complex... than others, but may not be necessarily as efficient... regarding 'message conveyance'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

List of languages by number of native speakers - Wikipedia 


7:56 AM (5/25/22): "For instance, the Arabic language is the fifth most spoken... on the Wikipedia list, of 'languages... by number of native speakers'... Such consists of 28 letters (having no vowels), contrasting with the English alphabet... which consists of 26 letters (making use of both consonants, and vowels)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Arabic alphabet - Wikipedia


8:02 AM (5/25/22): "I suspect that if humans established contact with a competing extraterrestrial civilization, that was technologically equipped and could navigate the vacuum of space... that establishing a dialogue with them, would be much more complicated... than depicted, in this video... Perhaps about 20 times, more difficult... than a native English speaker, attempting to learn a foreign language, such as Arabic... with no prior exposure... ...assuming each species (humans/Homo Sapiens and the extraterrestrials/E.T.), was able to infer which language each respective species... was speaking, in relation to those, of their respective worlds... ...in the context of the conversational language being mutual, salient, and relatable..." - Michael Izuchukwu

8:33 AM (5/25/22): "The language of extraterrestrials, would be refined by many variables... such as their culture/way of life, their planet's gravity, and their physiological makeups... given that an organism's form, refines his/her/its articulation capabilities..." - Michael Izuchukwu

7:20 PM (6/7/22): "Interesting video, about the scope of the universe... Given there is a great limitation to that of such, which humans can explore... I formerly concluded that there is an unknown frontier, which transcends... that of space..." - Michael Izuchukwu


4:09 PM (6/25/22): "I just watched the following video... 
Formerly, I concluded that it's a statistical certainty... that we humans, are 'not alone'... in the cosmos. In the context of the living conditions of Earth, not being 'most ideal and supportive'... for life... among the exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) within our Milky Way galaxy. There are estimated to be no less than two trillion galaxies, in the 'entire' universe... and from an 'evolutionary perspective,' it makes sense that life has appeared... on other planets, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Hundreds of mini solar systems found in the Milky Way | New Scientist [our planetary system is called 'the solar system,' in relation to our sun... which is a star... There are many planetary systems in the Milky Way galaxy - so far, at least 300 have been discovered - ours (the solar system) consists of 8 planets]

4:21 PM (6/25/22): "Perhaps it is egotistical of human beings, to assume that their world is 'one of all'... that is ideal for life, in the universe... Pride is a trait/characteristic that history has revealed, can be detrimental for the human civilization... as a species (that of Homo Sapiens)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"In order to cross the ocean, you must have the courage... to lose sight, of the shore..." - Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

4:55 PM (6/25/22):
"The sun (our star) is the source of life, on Earth... situated 93 million miles away, from our planet... Nevertheless, the name 'solar system' has an 'inundating effect'... where one subconsciously entertains the notion, of 'the sun,' or 'energy/light'... Elsewhere in the cosmos, exoplanets have different relationships... with the star (s), they orbit..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:24 AM (6/30/22):
"There are more stars in the universe, than grains of sand... on Earth... I have heard that for each grain of sand, there are 10,000 stars... The estimate for the number of stars in the universe, is 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (70 septillion, or specifically... a '7' followed by 25 zeroes..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Our sun is 1 out of 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars... then... and at least 1 out of 8 planets, in our planetary system ('the solar system')... has life on such..." - Michael Izuchukwu


12:46 PM (9/11/22):
12:52 PM (9/11/22):
"In the context of 'intraplanetary, geographic consciousness'... in the year 1492 (when Christopher Columbus set sail, to the Americas)... there likely are extraterrestrials, 'somewhere' in the cosmos (regarding 'interplanetary, geographic consciousness')... in 'human likeness (just in the context... of having their own cities)'... ...Assuredly, such 'alien beings' are in 'other' galaxies... if not our own, the Milky Way..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Humans have built pyramids, while ants have assembled anthills (with technology that is 'mundane,' for the respective species)... just for some perspective...
(Sphinx pyramid)
(10,000 species of ants on Earth - while there is 1 species of humans, which is that of 'Homo Sapiens,' consisting of 5 'official' races - White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian... and Native Hawaiian or 'Other Pacific Islander')

5:52 AM (10/2/22): "Humans are aware of a limited, cross-section... of their respective realities, at any given time... ...without the aid, of technological mediums... Assuredly, this notion accounts... for why 500 years ago, or so... most Europeans, did not know about the indigenous people... in 'the Americas (in fact, people used to think their respective continents, were their respective planets)'... Christopher Columbus had to discover such, in 1492... and one can extrapolate from this, that lifeforms... elsewhere, in the cosmos... have comparable 'elusivity'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1. "Somewhere, something incredible... is waiting to be known..." - Carl Sagan

resonance - home (slowed & reverb) - YouTube


Dreamcore ☁️😴☁️ #dreamcore #backrooms #horror #fyp #viral (tiktok.com) (if you venture far enouugh, out into the cosmos... you might find a place, like this)


9:57 AM (12/14/22): "...think about the implications, of this description..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:55 PM (11/12/22): "A photo of two overlapping, spiral galaxies (SDSS J115331 & LEDA 2073461)... If you venture far enough into space, you will arrive at the realization... that the Garden of Eden was situated on Earth, for a reason..." - Michael Izuchukwu

... 12:11 AM (11/13/22): https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbPvG9algeI/ 

>>> Light year & Milky Way - NASA Video - YouTube 

Pocahontas meet John Smith - YouTube

>>>Pocahontas (1995) | Pocahontas meets John Smith [HD] - YouTube (6:49 PM, on 7/25/23)

"For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees… ye shall in no case enter, into the Kingdom of Heaven..." – Matthew 5:20 (according to Jesus Christ)

There is a boundary between the material realm and the spirit realm (where heaven is)... The cosmos is intended, to shed light... on God's glory, in relation to the fragility... of mankind... 

"For all have sinned, and fall short… of the glory, of God…" – Romans 3:23 [the Holy Spirit is a human's link to Jesus Christ (God the Son), who is the intermediator between Himself... and our heavenly Father (God the Father)]

In the Animal Kingdom, organisms have been known to have good shepherds and good sheep... and bad shepherds, and bad sheep... ...this is a metaphor for 'slavery/enslavement,' which is visible in the processes... that led to the anthills of ants... or the pyramids, of humans (Homo Sapiens)... 

See posts 52-54:

See #'s 14, 20 & 23-25:

On Earth: 'Scientists have estimated that there are around 8.7 million species of plants, and animals... ...However, only around 1.2 million species have been identified and described so far, most of which are insects...' Indisputably, there may be some variation of extraterrestrial lifeforms... in the cosmos, that seem like a hybrid of sheep (at least one of 'those' extraterrestrial species)... There must be a divine reason, why Jesus Christ... was relating to them...

"On a world with 2 suns, there are many possibilities..." - Stargazer

On Earth, the sun rises in the east... and sets in the west... but imagine a world, where there are two suns... one rising in the west, and setting in the east... and the other rising in the south... and setting in the north...


9:02 PM (4/23/22): "A photo of Jupiter, the fifth closest planet to our sun... in our solar system... 'How many planets are there, outside our Milky Way galaxy...?' There likely are multiple solar systems, within such... much less those galaxies, beyond..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

9:09 PM (4/23/22): "Over 5,000 exoplanets ('planets outside our solar system') have been detected, but they are primarily those... within our galaxy... which is 100,000 lightyears across ('diametrically')..." - Michael Izuchukwu

More than 5,000 worlds exist beyond our solar system. There could be billions more (msn.com)

9:14 PM (4/23/22): Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb - YouTube

(4/23/22): "Nearly all of the exoplanets that have been detected, are within 3,000 lightyears... of Earth. Thus, it's a 'statistical certainty' that our world is not unique, in being populated by lifeforms... among those, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

District 9 - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube 

11:49 PM (4/23/22): "Jupiter was discovered, 412 years ago... by Galileo Galilei..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:18 AM (12/14/22):

6:05 AM (11/20/21): "There are estimated to be 10,000 cities on Earth (of which there are 195 countries)... Interestingly, some estimates say there are 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) planets in our galaxy... If one thinks of each of those planets as a city, then the prospect that there are forms of extraterrestrial life in our galaxy... alone (1 of perhaps 2 trillion in the universe)... is likely..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The Milky Way Contains at Least 100 Billion Planets According to Survey (hubblesite.org)


There are 10,000 Cities on Planet Earth. Half Didn’t Exist 40 Years Ago (nextcity.org)


11:46 AM (12/24/22):

"Maybe the meaning of life, is to get to heaven... via 'natural means,' before extraterrestrials in the cosmos... find our planet, and miscontrue such as 'heaven'... for themselves..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Is there life on other planets? (1962) | RetroFocus - YouTube

12:56 PM (1/13/22):

Alien civilization: Report suggests there may be 36 intelligent aliens in universe - YouTube


"If there is confirmation that we humans 'are not alone' in the cosmos, I find the following video to be humbling..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Space Facts #1 - YouTube


Extraterrestrial liquid water - Wikipedia

(a good question is whether or not those '36 extraterrestrial civilizations,' correspond to '36 planets'... that are covered by water)


What is Water? | AMNH

NOTE #1:
When Jesus Christ was being crucified on the cross, one of His 7 last statements... was, 'I thirst (John 19:28)'... Perhaps Jesus' cry, was heard by God the Father ('heavenly Father,' who could be thought of as the 'Alien God/God of Extraterrestrials') and such is why from 12 PM to 3 PM... there had been tremendous darkness in the sky, prior to the passing of Jesus... at 3 PM...

NOTE #2:

Jesus Christ ultimately Resurrected, 3 days after He had been laid to rest... in a tomb. He departed to heaven, 40 days... after that...


1:50 PM (1/19/23):

(daily view trajectory, by month)

2:10 PM (1/19/23):
(breakdown by country, of total views for first graph... in that time interval)

5:12 PM (1/19/23):
"Interesting video, of a PGY-3 resident physician... affiliated with Eastern Virginia Medical School ... I noticed at the 0:50-0:54 mark, that Dr. L.D. Britt is doing a hand gesture... that is similar to that of the extraterrestrial, atop this blog... EVMS Surgery Resident Dr. Rendel - YouTube 
(for context of my educational background) >>>>>>>

11:46 AM (9/3/23):

"How many alphabets, are there... in the universe...?" - Michael Izuchukwu 

11:58 AM (9/3/23):
"The human species (that of 'Homo Sapiens') is '1' extraterrestrial species (also referred to as the 'human race'), collectively... ...although, such has subcategories of 'ethnicity-based races'... Our species has arguably 400 different alphabets, employed ('in use') on our planet (Earth)... The fact that this many alphabets were developed, to create what is arguably 6,000+ languages... that are spoken, around our world... ...implies, that 'language creation' may be characteristic... of technologically-equipped, extraterrestrial civilizations..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:18 PM (9/3/23):

There are parallels with the thumbnail (display video) for the 'above post,' and Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam' painting... in Rome...

5:11 PM (9/4/23):
Regarding the above song of 'Eden's Garden,' such seems to be less about emotion (& that which is spiritual)... and more about curiosity, and power (a potential reference, to the distinction... between God the Son, and God the Father... regarding their respective personalities/psychologies)...
...if you listen closely...
(this analysis makes sense, in the context of the story of Adam & Eve... in the Garden of Eden, and the basis... for their exile... ...when Eve picked fruit from the Forbidden Tree, and both Adam & Eve... ate of such...)

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)
...some type of 'escort,' perhaps (potentially metaphorical)...
(the Holy Trinity; a diagram, illustrating the nature... of such)

My hunch, is that God the Father... created extraterrestrials... but because of his love, for humanity... he made 'voids, between worlds'...

 "For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only begotten son… that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish… but have eternal life..." - John 3:16 (in reference, to Jesus Christ)

"...and in those days, the love of God... began to wither..." - Michael Izuchukwu (regarding God the Father's love)
These are my sentiments, about 'the Rapture'... should such be denoted, by 'official' extraterrestrial visitations... ...for those humans, who are 'left behind'...
Shifting favoritism, could account for this... 
(God the Father may have made '3' extraterrestrial species, in 'his image/likeness'... ...and then all others, that may be in existence... could be classified, differently)
I say this, because the Holy Trinity consists of 3 components - the Son, the Father & the Holy Spirit...

12:56 PM (9/3/23):
"Do you really think that God the Father, created the entire universe/cosmos... and limited himself, to creating '1' extraterrestrial species... in his image (that of human beings/Homo Sapiens)?" - Michael Izuchukwu

11:58 PM (9/4/23):
"If you think of the Holy Trinity diagram, as being 'on a circle'... then one can extrapolate, how in 3 dimensions... that structure, could be thought of as a tetrahedron... within a sphere. One can then infer, from the hypothesis that the universe is 'spherical'... ...that there is a point, which is arguably equidistant, from the '3' extraterrestrial species... that have been most closely designed, in the 'image... of God the Father'..." - Michael Izuchukwu
This is a 'statistical certainty (probability-based)'...
